Serve one Femdom Live Webcam or choose different every time?

Choose one Goddess and serve only her, or knock on a new girl’s room every day? It is interesting, but most of the newcomers tend to the second option – variety, new feelings, constant games with new rules. Probably, every fan of the Femdom Live Webcam category comes to the realization at some point – … Continue reading Serve one Femdom Live Webcam or choose different every time?

Used underwear online stores – a popular business!

I never thought that the Used underwear resale industry is so huge! I wrote in a previous post that there are special devices in Japan where you can buy Used underwear. But now I have started to study this topic, and I found on the Internet just a huge selection of online stores that are … Continue reading Used underwear online stores – a popular business!

Are you afraid to ask for a Small Penis Humulation Webcam?

Many BDSM fans are faced with the fact that a new partner is not yet ready to play with them according to their rules. For example, Small Penis Humulation is an extreme form of entertainment for someone. Every man really wants to get this form of fetish from his partner, but she is either not … Continue reading Are you afraid to ask for a Small Penis Humulation Webcam?

Your misconceptions about Dominatrix Webcams and BDSM Models

To be fully engaged in BDSM, you need to understand – there is always the Main one and the one who obeys. This is not necessarily a story about sex, rather, about the complete subordination of the personality to another person. Men like to be at the mercy of a Woman – this is one … Continue reading Your misconceptions about Dominatrix Webcams and BDSM Models

The Switch concept in BDSM (from my letters)

After we started talking about Switch in BDSM, a lot of dominants who are sharply against this practice began to contact me. There are both men and women here, and I can understand them. On the other hand, I received a few comments from the Bottom ones who would not mind doing Switch and trying … Continue reading The Switch concept in BDSM (from my letters)

Watch Webcam Squirt for free and without registration

When I first found out about such an incredible phenomenon of female orgasm as squirt, it seemed to me that it was something very rare. And to see him and really live is a miracle. Well, I go to the Webcam Squirt category on one of my favorite sites, and to my surprise, I found … Continue reading Watch Webcam Squirt for free and without registration

To explain a partner that you Like Free Foot Fetish Webcams

If you like Free Foot Fetish Webcams and you want your partner to share your Fetish with you, I advise you not to talk right away, and not to push a person into new uncharted waters. I propose a simple sequence of actions that can remove the shock effect of your confession.  First, you should … Continue reading To explain a partner that you Like Free Foot Fetish Webcams

What do you want to know about Pregnancy fetish?

Have you noticed that pregnant women become so attractive? They have a funny gait, and a big round belly, but they look really amazing. And there is even a scientific explanation for this – it’s all about hormones, also a special condition of a woman. Sex hormones are really released actively, and the appearance of … Continue reading What do you want to know about Pregnancy fetish?

Harsh BDSM technique: Orgasm control – cum on command

Today I want to touch on the topic of Orgasm control in BDSM! Because for many, Orgasm control is a standard game in which a partner can act actively, but when he sees that an orgasm is coming, just stops or slows down. But, today I really want to talk about the female side of … Continue reading Harsh BDSM technique: Orgasm control – cum on command

How to make a squirt? Watch the Webcam Squirt on the website

There are quite a lot of instructions on the Internet on how to make a woman cum with a squirt, but not everyone can be trusted. If your girlfriend has never pleased you with pussy splashes, then you can show her how to get this pleasure! Try to stimulate her G-spot with two fingers from … Continue reading How to make a squirt? Watch the Webcam Squirt on the website

Some FTM Webcam models that will appeal to you

You have already chosen your category and now you want to find the right model! Welcome to the FTM Webcam section on Here you will find everything you like and looking for. You can choose anyone you want, but I want to recommend three of them to you, they made a strong impression on … Continue reading Some FTM Webcam models that will appeal to you

Exploring the World of BDSM Webcams

BDSM, which stands for Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and Submission, and Sadism and Masochism, is a diverse and complex subculture that involves a variety of consensual power dynamics and erotic practices. Contrary to popular misconceptions, BDSM is not just about inflicting pain or control; it is rooted in trust, communication, and mutual respect between partners. … Continue reading Exploring the World of BDSM Webcams

WebcamXXX: About men in the Webcam Business

We’ve already talked about web beauties, I think it’s time for guys to webcam. After all, there are a lot of them, and they are quite popular. Let’s talk about how they like this kind of work… Let’s explore the rise of men in the webcam business and the impact they are making. The emergence … Continue reading WebcamXXX: About men in the Webcam Business

The Great and terrible RACK – it’s not so scary, really

Let’s continue the conversation on the topic of RACK? So, Risk-Aware Consensual Kink, today it is the topic of risk that interests me. Someone can look at the RACK session, and say that it’s absolutely terrible, poor Bottom, he has to go through all these horrors that come to mind. The key point is precise … Continue reading The Great and terrible RACK – it’s not so scary, really

Camgirl Squirt is a pleasure known from ancient times

Of course, we are not the first to notice the Camgirl Squirt phenomenon! This type of female orgasm was described in the Kama Sutra for the first time and in other erotic texts of India. Even on the bas-reliefs of ancient temples, there were images of women getting wet orgasms. So it was liked by … Continue reading Camgirl Squirt is a pleasure known from ancient times

Orgasm control methods for anyone… after practice

Orgasm control is a quite cruel practice, agree! Moreover, there are several techniques that include: Orgasm control for a certain period of time. Complete orgasms’ denial. The decreased pleasure from orgasm. An interesting point is that if you do not use these techniques all the time, then they are considered quite safe. But, if a … Continue reading Orgasm control methods for anyone… after practice

The most delicious dish for Food play is a satisfied partner

A rather harmless, but funny direction of fetishes – a Food play. You can use absolutely any food to decorate your partner and make your sex life even sweeter. Here someone will say that the most pleasant thing is to draw with sweet sauce or cream on the partner’s body. And others like to insert … Continue reading The most delicious dish for Food play is a satisfied partner

The hottest: Why Men Love WebcamXXX

Webcams offer a visual and interactive experience that can be incredibly stimulating for men. The ability to see and interact with a live person on the other side of the screen can ignite the imagination and fulfill fantasies. And yet – this, on the one hand, confidentiality, and on the other – the ability to … Continue reading The hottest: Why Men Love WebcamXXX

How does Objectification work in relation to men today?

In my last post, I touched on the topic of Objectification in relation to women, which is quite a serious problem today. And what about men? Women can exhale with relief because men also have a hard time. As it turned out, the situation here is not so different. Today, television, fashion, talk shows, and … Continue reading How does Objectification work in relation to men today?

Chatting with FTM Live Webcam Online – what are the rules?

I would like to tell you that there are no rules and restrictions here, and this is practically true! Well, the FTM Live Webcam category is quite specific, because these are girls who have started the transgender transition – they are preparing to become guys. So if you want to have success with them, then … Continue reading Chatting with FTM Live Webcam Online – what are the rules?

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