Urophilia in case of alternative medicine is it useful

Urophilia in case of alternative medicine – is it useful?

Even if we forget about the topic of fetishism, some people prefer to drink urine and believe that this is a cure for many diseases. Could it also be called Urophilia? Today on the Internet you can find an offer to buy and sell fresh urine for urine therapy, and the main requirements are that it should be a young person who does not drink alcohol and does not smoke and also does not use drugs.

By the way, in a sense, Urophilia was common in ancient India and Egypt, because there it was believed that a drink made from fresh urine could cure almost any disease! Well, this is a controversial issue, because someone believes that urine is a source of nutrients, proteins, and microelements. But doctors still claim that this is waste from our body, harmful substances, and decay products come out with the liquid.

So do not try to treat serious diseases in this way. If you just want to taste it, you like to drink urine, and you are experiencing acute arousal – then you can count yourself among the followers of the Urophilia movement. Although, I think someone really masks Urophilia under the confidence in the therapeutic use of this drink…

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