How does Objectification work in relation to men today

How does Objectification work in relation to men today?

In my last post, I touched on the topic of Objectification in relation to women, which is quite a serious problem today. And what about men? Women can exhale with relief because men also have a hard time. As it turned out, the situation here is not so different. Today, television, fashion, talk shows, and video clips show us exactly what a man should be to be sexy.

Of course – an absolutely perfect body is difficult to achieve even with daily workouts in the gym. Objectification of men has reached the point that we have a certain idealized image of a man! According to Research by the University of South Carolina, the level of hypersexualization of men in films has really increased. Of the 100 highest-grossing films in 2007, 4.6% of male characters were presented in a sexualized appearance, and 6.6% were practically naked. In 2014, the numbers were already 8% and 9%.

Of course, the same ratings for women look much more deplorable, but it can still be noted that men also got into the statistics. If you want to look at really cool guys, I can also advise you on the site, but be sure, here you will meet not only perfect handsome guys but also the most ordinary guys with whom it is nice to chat. Good luck, and share your opinion in the comments!

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