How do you know that Masochism is exactly for you

How do you know that Masochism is exactly for you?

Maybe the title of my post sounds a little silly because most fans of Masochism already know what they like. But, some make an attempt towards Masochism, and they are surprised by their feelings. Let’s figure out what it is, who likes it, and whether is it worth practicing. The simplest explanation of Masochism is – a person enjoys pain, both physical and psychological. Psychologists say that masochists are often lonely people, it is just very difficult to build relationships in society for them.

And their desire to experience pain is associated with a subconscious desire to obey someone strong, to give their body to another person at his complete disposal. After all, here we are not talking only about sex, and sometimes we are not talking about sex at all. Often the first signs of Masochism appear in childhood when a child understands that by his service, submission, and willingness to endure unpleasant manipulations, he can earn the favor of adults.

For such children, punishment and slaps can be a real joy! Getting pleasure in sex for them is possible only after physical suffering. Less often – after psychological humiliation. But there is also such a mixed type when a person wants to be punished, and verbally humiliated. Of course, in order for a masochist to get the most pleasure, there must also be a sadist. It may seem shocking to some, but such pairs are the most durable. Everyone gets exactly what they want.

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