BDSM Webcams Models – do they enjoy their web job?

When you are just starting your journey into the world of BDSM Webcams, many people have a question – do the girls like it? Or it’s just a job for them that they don’t particularly enjoy. To be honest, there are probably such girls too, but to be in the first lines of the TOP … Continue reading BDSM Webcams Models – do they enjoy their web job?

It’s simple: Dominant and Submissive relationships as 2+2

Margaret Mitchell wrote in her novel “Gone with the Wind” that strong people are called to command, while weak ones can only obey (sorry if the quote is not quite accurate). If you think about it, this quote describes the Dominant and Submissive relationship the best. And I am sure that people are really divided … Continue reading It’s simple: Dominant and Submissive relationships as 2+2

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